
A note to stepmoms everywhere

Breaking News: I’m Still Alive!!




You know, it’s been a while. I haven’t meant for that to be the case, I just haven’t had much time. I’ve been doing the usual part time mom and full time job, and then I started going to school. I don’t know, maybe I’m a masochist and I abuse myself with taking time away. Not really sure what’s going on there. But school is going pretty awesome, and my job (which I didn’t want in the first place, Inside Sales) is turning into something pretty cool. I had a hard time, I knew it was a good job with good people, but I was bored out of my mind. When Jessie gets bored, bad things happen. I’ve been known to shoot rubber bands at people (got one guy right in the eye) sneak up on people and scare them. Rig up their desks, steal things from offices, hide important items… you get the idea. I run out of work and turn into a gremlin.

But there may be a promotion on the horizon and that is super fantastic.

The oldest child (now 15, gasp) has a boyfriend. He’s pretty awesome. He always wears those Adidas sandals with crazy pattern socks (like the universe, statue of Liberty, things like that) so I started calling him hot socks. The name stuck. Some family members just call him socks. It’s an initiation. You can’t be one of us without a name, a few of us have many.

The middle child graduated from 8th grade (eek!). During her graduation, we made faces at each other and she was trying not to laugh. We have stare downs and awkward offs, you know. Teenage weirdo stuff. I have no idea what lies ahead for her in high school. But she knows I’m on her side, I will always help her and I will always listen, so I hope that helps. She’s so pretty, I worry about boys, but I guess we’ll burn that bridge when we get there.

The youngest, while incredibly smart, is in that horrible tween phase. She’s too cool for everything, and then not old enough for everything else. She’s a little sassy, a little lippy, and not sure what she likes, so she acts like she doesn’t like anything. I have my work cut out for me this summer with Dennis the menace here. She is so smart, I just want her to see that she’s really got a gift, and that fitting in just makes her someone she’s not. That’s what I worry about, but I also know that middle school cures that. It’s a phase people, they all go through angry cat syndrome, it goes away. Just keep acting like nothing is wrong and they’ll come around.

I went on my first business trip. I missed the kids birthday party at my house (I’m such a turd!). All I can say about that is 1) don’t fly Spirit airlines 2) stay away from O’Hare airport (just ridiculous) 3) no matter where you travel for work, it’s still work. It’s not a vacation. That was the worst possible trip to Orlando I could ever have had. Gah.

So that’s all. I feel more and more like a real mom every day. The oldest has been staying at her mom’s house more for the summer and I keep forgetting. Like a piece is missing. I like these people. I think I’ll keep them, they’re kinda mine now anyway.

Author: Jessie Henry

Reinventing my life and enjoying my adventure. Living life as full as I like with no apologies, loving all of it.

5 thoughts on “Breaking News: I’m Still Alive!!

  1. Really?! Thank you! I still find it hard to believe anyone would read this. I’m glad you enjoy it!


  2. Yes really and here’s why: I appreciate transparency that is for the benefit of not just one’s self but to others. You have a good platform and gift for encouragement, whether you realize it or not. I have 6 of my own. I’ve been divorced 4 years now from their father. I am in a relationship now but he does not live here with us. So I imagine for him, it’ll be an adjustment to do the step dad thing at some point, if Lord willing we go that far. I watch my sister (who has 8 children and two of them are her step children) rock out the step mom/mom role every day.


  3. Wow, well thank you again. You certainly have your hands full, sounds like some of this definitely his home for you. Guys seem to have a harder time with stepparenting because they aren’t really natural nurturers, and they think that the children will treat them like a dad. You never know what you are walking into, but if you work on being a friend first and being open and honest, it really resonates with the kids and you can build from there. And I say this out of personal experience with several men that I know. It’s different for them. But you are taking your time and that is key, and you know that. I hope it all works out well for you and your people!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you! I appreciate that!


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